What's a Wine Pull...???
What’s a “Wine Pull”…???
Our Historic District neighborhood association, LHDNO, is having a December 3 Holiday at the Pillars Party and fundraiser. We are a 501C3 nonprofit, and our Holiday Party at the Pillars ticket proceeds contribute to Leinkauf Elementary School. Other proceeds (Silent Auction/Wine Pull) support various neighborhood projects.
Tickets and reservations are available online at www.leinkauf.org, Events tab.
A "Wine Pull" is similar to a chance-based raffle, wherein guests donate $10 to pull a wine or premium beer 6 pk selection. Every pull results in a selection of more than $10 value, and some pulls reward the chance-taker with a second pull, or a premium bottle valued at $25 or more. So every ticket is a winner and some are big winners! We are also including imported/craft beer 6 packs in the chances.