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Holiday at the Pillars

The Holiday at the Pillars Party was a great success with a large, spirited crowd that enjoyed our new fund raisers - the Silent Auction and Wine/Beer Pull. The income of almost $2,000 for these two fund raisers, above ticket sales, will give the new Board an opportunity to establish a new project, continue an old project, or begin to build a long-term fund for a project such as Light Up Leinkauf! Party proceeds will continue support for the Leinkauf School after-school arts program, LEAP, a planned contribution to First Christian Church's pantry or clothes closet for the needy, and other Leinkauf Projects.

The Pillars, through the generous support of Classic Events and Heather Pfefferkorn, was a beautiful venue. Bartender Mark Felt ran an excellent cash bar for the Pillars, and Heather's entire team was helpful in every way. Party chair Marlo Blankenship did her usual excellent job, ably assisted by husband and BBQ chef Wiley, whose pork loin is becoming a perennial favorite, and her donors provided a delicious food table for everyone's enjoyment. An added element everyone enjoyed was Tommy Cooper Photography, arranged by rising President Tim Maness, who offered guests a dated "Keepsake Leinkauf Historic District Holiday Photo" for couples or families for a very minimal $5 fee. Hats off to our volunteer "santa," who not only paid to attend our party and contributed to our fundraisers, but also volunteered to wear a hot santa suit and itchy beard all evening to add a festive seasonal note. It really is the season of "giving" !

Thanks also go to Teresa Tessner, Suzanne Schwartz, Cathy Hawthorne, Brenda Bolton, Carol Adams Davis, and Lynn Bailey, who took various roles to plan and implement the Silent Auction, the Beer/Wine Pull, the Entry Door and ticketing procedures, Publicity and Communications, and the LHDNO Holiday Card and Invitation, which our Area Board Representatives walked door to door in their areas. And on your way to the party or out to your holiday activities, I hope you noticed the red lamppost bows along Government Street, which the Beautification chair arranged, the Board funded, and Tim Maness and Josh McKenzie hung for the party on Dec. 3rd.

The Silent Auction included a total of 60 donations, some combined into multi-item gift baskets, from a few individuals and many area businesses, and almost all have now brought in revenue, with only a few pieces of jewelry and home items remaining to be dispensed with. All of the Wine/Beer Pull selections were "pulled" from donations to LHDNO either the evening of the party or on December 9th at the Pillars. The commercial donors are listed on the Homepage of this site so that we all can shop and dine with our supporters. When you do, be sure to thank them for supporting Leinkauf! A secondary benefit of the Auction and Wine/Beer Pull has been the opportunity to visit all of our area merchants and restaurants in the name of Leinkauf, letting them know we are here, we are a cohesive historic district getting things done, and we support our local merchants and restaurants who support us!

Thanks to everyone making this party enjoyable and allowing LHDNO to carry out its mission of connecting our people while supporting our neighborhood school and church programs for the needy.

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