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Join the Leinkauf Historic District Neighborhood Organization (LHDNO)

  • Details of membership can be found in the LHDNO By-laws, linked on our Home page. You may also find it within the Newsletters & Other Docs tab. 

  • Dues payments may be paid at any time, but are not pro-rated. Full payment of the annual dues will entitle the member to full membership privileges.

  • You must be a current member in good standing (current year dues paid) to nominate, run or vote.​

    3 Ways to JOIN



  • JOIN at Meetings

  • JOIN by U.S. Mail

Dues paid are applicable to the current calendar year through December 31

Scroll down for details on how to join by mail



1. Fill in form below

2. Click "Send"

3. Pay dues via yellow Paypal button below

Thanks! Don't forget to click PayPal to pay dues and finish membership.

*Select "Buy Now" PayPal Button to pay SINGLE $25 dues:
Select "Buy Now" Paypal Button to pay HOUSEHOLD/2ADULTS $40 dues:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Single dues

Household/2 Adults


Come to the Next Meeting and join at the Membership Table.
Pay with Check or Debit/Credit.


 U.S. Mail in your check to LHDNO by doing this:
A. Click/Print this Membership form &  complete it.
 (click PDF; when form comes up, use the print option on your computer)             
B. Mail check with form to:   
                                                  P.O. Box 40091
                                                  Mobile, Al 36640

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